What is Corporate Blogging 

Defining Corporate Blogging 

Characteristics of a Blog 

What is Corporate Blogging

Blogs short for web logs are online platforms to create specific types of content, share them and interact with others around those content objects, known as blog posts. They have a number of common features such as comment possibilities, trackbacks and a technology called RSS. The activation of these characteristics is not a necessity. Business blogs or corporate blogs should focus on non promotional and regularly updated content entries (posts).

They typically at least aim to attract prospective buyers and other stakeholders provide information to per defined target audience or buyers personas, and drive conversion, including social conversion. While the content typically is not directly promotional business blogs obviously serve direct and indirect business goals.  Blogs are essential parts of most social media programs and still often the hubs of content marketing strategies. In practice we see this view of content marketing coming back in the approaches of many organizations the blogs as the hub and different other channels and content formats as the spokes. Yet the real hub of any content marketing strategy is the customer value which generates business value. 


Corporate blog is a blog that is published and used by an organization, corporation, etc. To reach its organizational goals. The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads.

What is Corporate Blogging


(1)  Awesome design:

Your blog design is the first thing people see. It's also the most distinguishable feature of your blog. And a way for you to express yourself and what the blog stands for.

If you're using WordPress or Tumblr avoid using the default themes! Seriously, they are the most bland and uninspiring designs available. You'll certainly not see Twenty Eleven as tge Theme for any reputable blog.

Why ? Because it tells people you're too lazy to make an effort. The default themes are generic and it suggests the content will be generic too. What's to say the content will be of any quality especially with a default WordPress theme?

Hire a developer, or buy a theme and customize it yourself. Custom themes show off your personality and look more professional than the free themes available. 

(2)  A Clear focus:

Great blogs have a clearly defined focus. They don't try to be all things to everybody, and they can summarize what the blog is about in one sentence. 

Blogs who try to cover everything are doomed to fail simply because you can't cover everything with any credibility. Choose a niche and focus on a topic you're passionate about.

(3)  Regular content:

Blogs that hardly publish content get lost in the fog! The reason is because everyone is competing for people attention. Your job is to stay top of mind with regular content relevant to your audience needs.  However strive for quality over quantity with at least one blog post a week. If you can manage to publish 5 times a week without sacrificing quality even better!.

(4)  Spectacular images:

Images play an important role in pulling visitors into your content. They are also great at complementing your post and can help reinforce a point you're making. 

Just be sure to avoid the cliche and over used images of boardroom meetings and two people shaking hands. Instead look for some unique and eye catching photos to make your posts pop.

(5)  Vibrant Community:

Take a look at Social Media Examiner and Problogger and you'll notice an endless stream of comments at the end of each post. This is beacuse they've created content that builds relationships with readers.

Almost all of their posts end with a question for the reader to comment on. Make sure you do the same. And also use a commenting system like Disqus or Livefyre, which also integrates social media accounts.

What is Corporate Blogging

(6)  Corporate Blogging serves multiple potential marketing goals :

•  Driving awareness. 

•  Providing the information prospective buyers need across their journey. 

•  Engage various target audiences, including journalists for instance. 

•  Branding (all touch points have an important branding dimension).

•  Generating leads (and managing them).

•  Relationship building. 

•  PR, be it in a non traditional sense. 

•  Influencer marketing.

•  Feedback and listening. 

•  Community marketing. 

•  Driving traffic,  subscriptions and registrations

What is Corporate Blogging