●   Free ORM tools in digital marketing 

●   How to do orm in digital marketing

●   Types of online reputation management

●   Online reputation management meaning

●   Online reputation management process

●   Online reputation management examples

ORM tools in digital marketing

ORM Across A Sector:

ORM can also be used to monitor your competitors for the same product issues and reputation attacks to which your company is susceptible- allowing you to identify new business opportunities and drive new product development in your own company.

This is achieved by applying the same ORM techniques to your chosen competition, then deriving scores for comparison. The integrity of this data is ensured by applying exactly the same judging criteria to mentions of your company and your compilation. 

This provides two important pieces of management information:
●   how well your products are being received and reviewed 
●   how effective your PR and marketing spend is, as well as areas where it could 
be redirected 

The second of these will allow you a much tighter control of external PR and marketing agencies- are they delivering what they say they are ? It will also provide an essential barometer for timing launches and announcements. Does your announcement require an existing wave of popular support to succeed or can it be used to draw a line under a period of negative publicity- or, indeed, capitalise on the reputational issues being experienced by your competitors. 

Sector wide ORM lets you know where you are

Then the talking - Getting Your Message Heard
Blogs and forums are accessible to all. This is both the root of the ther at they pose to corporate reputations and the opportunity for engaging that thre at. Consumer generated media must be engaged in order to

1)    Respond to others - 

Consumer Generated media can and must be responded to web2.0 is based around conversation and if a company is being talked about it belongs in that conversation. By stying informed and putting solid brand building and crisis management strategies in place, your business will not go down the route of so many companies that have lost their reputations online.

2)    Build your own voice -

  Many companies have a presence in the Web 2.0 sphere. By establishing your credibility online you are better positioned to respond to futer criticism and establish long-term trusting  consumer relationships through online articles syndications, press releases,  feature articles and blogs. 

Online Article Syndication, Press Releases, Feature Articles and Blogs:

Once you have listened to the online conversation taking place across the Net, you are equipped with the necessary information to actively engage in the 'talking 'side of the equation. WebPR collectively stands for the ways in which you can get your message out there.

Online Article syndication 

A primary tactics of WebPR is online article syndication. This means contributing article to online article directories from which they are picked up and republished on other sites. A few of the better directories include Ezinearticales, Gorarticles and article Alley.

Beacuse the articles contain links and keywords relevant to your site, they benefits for Search Engines Marketing are excellent but the strategy won't work unless people want your articles so they need to be board, informative and not just thinly disguised advarts. Remember,  we're in the PR chapter here - not marking.

Yet, each article will also cantain an about the Aother section which could contain up to three links to your site and most article directories will allow you to include aback link in the body of the article as well.

The aim is for the article to go vairal and get republished on many web and bogies in the week after they are published but to ensure your site remains the search engine authority on the article subject it should be published and indexed there first .

So, online article syndication not only allows you to introduce fresh optimized content to your site abut enables you to generate a type of viral backlinking occurrence as well.

Online Press Releases-

The same principle apply to online press releases. Online press releases should drive traffic to your site (your website is not a fancy brochure - it is a marketing tool that needs visitors to become customers). To achieve this press releases need to be search engine optimized to contain related key phrases and links.

Feature Articles - 

A feature article is another vehicle that allows your brand to jump further onto the value bandwagon offering you an opportunity to become the dominant opinion leader in your industry. 

For example,  if you sell holidays to Bhutan,  your online marketing efforts will greatly benefit if your target market consider your a leader in this field. This is where 'value-content' comes in. Articles containing information for the potential traveller are value-adding and therefore attract link naturally.  And, if published on a third party site, should carry a link back to your own website. This drives site Visitors who are automatically predisposed to your brand and therefore are more likely to engage and buy your product.


Yet another critical aspect of the 'talking ' side of WebPR is your voice in the blogosphere. This can take on many forms. For example,  your company should have a 'blog' and your colleagues should be encouraged to blog. But perhaps more important is listening to what other bloggers say about your brand and then commenting,  and responding further where appropriate.  There have been numerous examples of brands cut to shreds by ignoring the blogosphere. 

The key to an effective WebPR strategy is balancing the two sides. 'listening  and talking ' . The opportunity to pay intimate attention to the market and participate in a conversation that drives perception  - and ultimately determines your client base is unique.  It is an opportunity that consumer facing companies simply cannot afford to ignore.