•  What Is Content Marketing?

•  Social Media Marketing 

•  Content Influencer Marketing 

•  Word-of-mouth  VS Influencer Marketing 

•  Blogging Or Podcasts 

What is Content Influencer Marketing

Content Marketing:

Content Marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to what you sell; in other words, you're educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you. 

The key word here is "VALUABLE ". It's what change this definition from one that could describe almost any form of advertising or marketing. You can tell if a piece of content is the sort that could be part of a content marketing campaign if people seek it out, rather than avoiding it. 

Content Marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is non interruption Marketing. 

Content Marketing is purpose is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with changing consumer behavior. Content strategy is the belief that if we as businesses deliver consistent ongoing valuable information to buyers they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty. 


What is Content Influencer Marketing

Social media marketing:

Content Marketing strategy comes before your social media strategy. Social media marketing can enable small business looking to further their reach to more customers. Content marketing primarily covers activities involving social sharing of content, videos and images for marketing purposes, as well as paid social media advertising.

Social media marketing Campaign without a social strategy in mind is like wandering through a forest without a map you only end up lost.

•  Seo:

Search Engines reward businesses that publish quality, consistent content. Builds links to lead Search Engine spider to the content of course simplification. But simple is a good start.is the content relevant. Can the Search Engines spiders find the content 

Content is  a most important part of your website. Any value that it adds needs to be added through good relevant content. 

What is Content Influencer Marketing

Content Influencer Marketing  

Influencer Marketing is the practice of engaging internal and industry experts with active networks to help achieve measurable business goals. 

Influencer Marketing is becoming a bigger part of marketing budget and with good reason. Influencer marketing is the new king.blogers can be highly influential and are the third-most-consulted consumer decision tool for shoppers. The conent shared by your friends on a particular online store or a product is definitely more Influential than the brand content. 

There is already a lot of money in the Influencer Marketing space. 65% of brand participants in the market, 52% of companies have a stand alone  budget for sponsored social content and 25% have budget in excess of multiple crores of rupees. 

Influencer Marketing often goes hand in hand with two other forms. Of marketing social media marketing and content marketing. Most Influencer campaigns have some sort of social media component whereby Influencer are expected to spred the word through their personal social channels. Many Influencer campaigns also carry a content element in which either you create content for the Influencer or they create content themselves. Social media and content marketing often fit inside Influencer campaigns they are not synonymous with Influencer Marketing. 

Influencer can work to solve many short comings your company many have Influencer can positives feedback.

What is Content Influencer Marketing

Word-of-mouth Vs Influencer Marketing 

Although some people use Word-of-mouth marketing and Influencer Marketing interchangeably, there is a real difference between the two disciplines. Where are influence marketing is the concept of engaging key individuals to leverage their Influencer among friends and family,  Word-of-mouth marketing is the actual avenue by which this communication take place. So almost all Influencer Marketing includes Word-of-mouth marketing activities by its natural but not all Word-of-mouth marketing is driven by Influencer campaigns. 

Advocate marketing isn't Influencer Marketing either. The best way to understand the difference is that advocate marketing forces on encouraging or incentives already loyal customers to share their love of your brand or product. The sharing might happen by way of product reviews and customer references. 

With Influencer Marketing ismost focused on finding Influencer not necessarily current customers to spread your message. Another distinguishing factor between Influencer Marketing and advocate marketing is that Influencer are almost alwas paid in some way either with money or free product advocate marketing focused less on payment more on driving brand loyalty which in turn multiple the number of vocal advocates.

 Blogging Or Podcasts 

The content can be in the form of a blog article,  an image or a video to create valuable podcast, think like a radio producer. Radio producers are always aware that a listener can switch satations at any mkment for many reason.

This new publishing freedom has resulted in an explosion of new content. However the term Social media, or citizen journalism as it is sometimes called, may be a misnomer as many companies can do it as well !!

What is Content Influencer Marketing

What is Content Influencer Marketing