In this chapter you will learn about 

●  What Comprises an EDI Documents?
●  What is a Data Element ?
●  What are EDI Envelopes?

Display Advertising

What is a Data Element?

Display advertising (banner advertising) refers to advertising that incorporates text, logos and pictures or images positioned on a website or serch engine. It is different than Google text or classified advertising in that it not only in includes the brand's message but the business overall brand. Examples of these would be Google Search ads, Adwords, PPC ads, Bing ads, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram  ads, Pinterest ads, Google display ads (web banners) Mobile ads, etc.

Believe it or not , Display Advertising has been around for centuries as billboards, filers, posters, print magazine and newspaper advertising. 
Why are we telling you this ? It has occurred to us that digital display advertising is often not clearly defined. 
Contrary  to popular  belief, digital display advertising is not expensive. It is directly proportional with its size and its placement on the host site. The Internet has also allowed for more creative and visually appealing display ads beacuse of rich media. Furthermore,  it has allowed media providers to offer a greater return on investment to their clients with targeting and tracking.

The types of display ads vary from one carrier to the next. The most common display ads are leader board,  banners, medium  rectangles and footerboards. In recent years,the invasion of creative display options for brands has been significantly better, although some brand have yet to welcome dynamic display ads into their marketing. 

Dynamic display advertising can also be referred to as daynamic creatives or daynamic banners, but it is defined as a banner ad which is created dynamically or who content is created dynamically at the time of display instead of being pre programmed with fixed content. 

In other words, dynamic advertising changes based on the user's activity on any given website. You may see this on Facebook and Twitter beacuse ads are targeted to certain users with specific interests rather than the account holders entire audience. 

In plain English, daynamic display advertising is targeted advertising. 

Marketers must clearly define their audience before placing their daynamic ads on any given site. That's not to say that static display advertising is not targeted, rather the website that you select to host your banner or medium rectangle must have a similar target audience as your business. 

Another clear differentiating factor is that static advertising is charged by month or impressions this varies from one media carrier to the next. Both are equally beneficial and your budget will determine what works best for your company.

Daynamic display advertising is commonly a cost-per-click [CPC] model and prices will vary from one host site to another. 

Before selecting the type of display advertising you should buy, whether static or daynamic,  determine your monthly budget and do your research on industry media sites and their target audience. You will be in a better position to make a more informed decision to increase awareness of your business, boost conversions and generate a positive return on your investment. 

Display Advertising comes in several forms, including banners ads, rich media and more. Unlike text-based ads, display advertising relies on elements such as images,  audio and video to communicate an advertising message. 

Web Banners (Banner or Display Advertising)

A web banner can be a single image.a flash movie or a composite of different elements such as graphics flash and or HTML code. You may have these banner ads on Google ads,any website,  Facebook,  twitter, Instagram, etc mediums. They all are called as Display advertisement, also called aa Digital Display Advertisement or online ads,etc. 

Types of web banners:

A banner can be a single image, a flash movie or composed pf different elements Graphic and HTML code. Single image banner can be animated using the GIF89a format animated gifs or static images gifs or jpgs JPG images cannot be animated. 

Flash technology developed to serve rich multimedia content over the internet has brought a new dimension to banner ad desing. Statistically, Flash banners result in higher click-thru rates than other banners. This is attributed to smooth animation and special effects that can be developed in flash. Though flash banners may involve a lot of animation their file sizes are  relatively small, as compared to the corresponding animated gif web banners. Also the animation is much smoother that animated gifs. This is due to the inherent nature of Flash which is a vector based program. Furthermore flash banners can be made interactive, responding to mouse-clicks and mouse overs.

Composite banner contain graphic elements and HTML code. Graphic elements can be gif, jpg images or flash movies. HTML code is embedded in duch composite banners to either bring Interactivity or to display HTML form elements such as drop down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes etc.

                  Standard web Banners
Display Advertising
All measurements are in pixels. 

    Common, But Not Standard Banner Sizes
Social media marketing
  All measurements are in pixels. 

Flash Banner Sizes:

Below aee some of the standard flash banner sizes used on web pages. It is a sort of convention to develop flash banners  based on these size; however  we are not bound by these dimensions,  as it were.Two other sizes for flash banners are also 
in use: 350×300 and 720×300. These are generally not used on web pages but as pop-up or pop- under ads displayed on separate browser windows. 

The standard sizes for flash banners have been formulated by the internet Advertising Bureau.

Display Advertising